January 25, 2009

For the Kiddos

Call me biased, or just a mom, but I have to admit that God blessed me with the most beautiful daughter ever - inside and out. Katie LOVES to help people - she'll even tell you so. This includes helping me in the kitchen, too.

In one of her "kid" cookbooks (yes, she has her own collection) she picked out a cute recipe to share on the blog and happily agreed to pose for a photo to demonstrate.


1 apple (your child's favorite variety)
creamy peanut butter
miniature marshmallows

Cut the apple in half and place on a plate cut side down. Smear peanut butter all over the outside. Stick the marshmallows to the peanut butter to resemble the ice blocks of an igloo. Sprinkle a little of the cinnamon on top.

Kinda cute, huh?

Happy eating!

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